As Alan Simpson is allowed to tell Vets and Seniors to just die already -- and nothing happens (somewhere Shirley Sherrod is shaking her head silently) another recent nightmare of non-accountability raises its head.
Bush-Era Iraq War Architects Emerge To Demand ‘Credit’ For Iraq War ‘Success’
And so it always goes. Jean Juares lies all but forgotten in his grave, shot for trying to prevent World War I, Philippe Petain leads men by the millions to the slaughter, becomes a hero and lives on to eventually betray his country.
And so it always goes...
The men of the Iraq War send others off to disaster, tens of thousands of lives and trillions in dollars later they draw their think-tank paychecks and demand you thank them.
And so it always goes...
As a new documentary makes clear, the men who made Pat Tillman a propaganda tool, sit unpunished and feted despite their lies. Tillman lies dead, like Jean Juares. It is for "only" certain of the living to take advantage.
And so it always goes...
[cross-posted at Firedoglake]