But an old white guy from a true 'murican state like Wyoming?
What's the problem?
Behold the latest nugget from Alan Simpson:
All those Iraq war vets had better shape up or ship out too. We can’t afford to keep supporting people with brain injuries and lost limbs forever. Get a job or be a man and relieve us of the burden of your care. (Oh right, there are no jobs. Well then I guess the decision’s been made, hasn’t it?)
Seriously, if poor, old, and sick people across the board would just do the right thing and die, we could reform the hell out all the “entitlements.” Their selfishness is really brings down the country.
Seriously, it took the Administration like 3.3 seconds to fire Sherrod over something she didn't actually say, yet Alan Simpson gets a free pass from them...and everyone else in the village.