A year later, in a non-presidential election year, the Christian Right was able to use the traditional lower turn out in such elections to toss out three of the nine judges who issued the ruling.
In 2012 they've set their sights on another, David Wiggins. But cabals are harder when more people are going to participate.
Forty-nine percent of likely voters want to retain Wiggins, who participated in the court’s landmark 2009 ruling that legalized same-sex marriage in Iowa. Forty-one percent say they’ll vote to remove him from office. Nine percent aren’t sure how they’ll vote, and 1 percent intend to skip voting on the question.Those numbers are close to two separate, but hardly unrelated numbers, Obama's polling compared to Romney and the shift in how Iowan's feel about same sex marriage three years removed from the decision [they favor its retention].
[cross-posted at Firedoglake]