In regard to her son's death more than a decade ago she had made peace with her faith:
You've kept God out of the public discussion of your situation. Why?
I had to think about a God who would not save my son. Wade was—and I have lots of evidence; it's not just his mother saying it—a gentle and good boy. He reached out to people who were misfits and outcasts all the time. He could not stand for people to say nasty things about other people; he just didn't want it. For a 16-year-old boy, he was really extraordinary in this regard. I wish I could take credit for it, but I can't. You'd think that if God was going to protect somebody, he'd protect that boy. But not only did he not protect him, the wind blew him from the road. The hand of God blew him from the road. So I had to think, "What kind of God do I have that doesn't intervene—in fact, may even participate—in the death of this good boy?" I talk about it in the book, that I had to accept that my God was a God who promised enlightenment and salvation. And that's all. Didn't promise us protection. I've had to come to grips with a God that fits my own experience, which is, my God could not be offering protection and not have protected my boy.
It's easy for people like me who are not religious when terrible shit happens, in that I don't have to try to apologize for some sky-Jesus and rationalize it.
But such mature rationalizations of faith as made by Mrs. Edwards are just not good enough for a right-wing idiots. Who think by not mentioning the Almighty specifically and thanking him for the Cancer that Elizabeth Edwards is the Stevie Johnson of now deceased people.
Real Classy fella.