In France, Nicolas Sarkozy, along with Angele Merkel the main proponent of austerity measures that have taken economies in Europe dumpster diving already lost the first round of the election. Now he looks set to lose the final two-person race against milquetoast Socialist candidate Francois Hollande -- who opposes most austerity measures.
Not that Sarkozy will go down without a last bit of ugliness:
President Nicolas Sarkozy, running from behind for a second term, has veered sharply to the right in the final days before Sunday's runoff in the French presidential election, increasingly appealing to nationalism and anti-immigrant fears to gain support from members of the far-right National Front party.Meanwhile, in the UK the local elections are taking place and the Tories are set to lose big to Labour in the austerity measures that has dragged the country back into recession.
How the Silly Party did is unknown...or is it?
[cross-posted at Firedoglake]