And then there is this:
Is Rafalca stealing jobs from American workers?
Well, now that you mention it: The horse's rider, hired by the Romneys, is a German immigrant in his first Olympic competition. "He came over here with two empty hands," a US equestrian official told the New York Times. "He had a lucky break to get to know the Romneys.""You People"
Rider Jan Ebeling also got a six-figure loan from the Romneys to open up The Acres, a small horse ranch outside L.A. where Ann Romney first rode horses for therapy and where "the Romneys use a Mediterranean-style guesthouse as a getaway." Ebeling's wife, Amy, is co-owner of Rafalca with the Romneys. (A third co-owner, Beth Meyer, is a longtime Romney friend.)
"When I was nearly incapacitated with my MS, Jan was one of the people who helped me the most," Ann Romney told But as close as Ann Romney and the Ebelings are—they've even been sued together—it's not always smooth sailing. Asked in a legal deposition whether she ever chafed at Jan Ebeling's riding instructions, she answered: "I think that is not a fair question because we all get upset at certain times with anybody that is—you know, especially a German."
Between the two Romney's the level of ethnic jokes, stereotypes and slurs must be immense.