Shortly after midnight on July 16, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez reached back in time. He presided at the exhumation of the remains of Simón Bolívar -- Latin America's greatest independence hero, who helped liberate the region from Spain in the 19th century, and the object of Chávez's personal and political obsession.
The skeleton was pulled apart. Pieces were removed, such as teeth and bone fragments, for "testing." The rest was put in a new coffin with the Chávez government's seal. Chávez, who also tweeted the proceedings, gave a rambling speech in which he asked Christ to repeat his Lazarus miracle and raise the dead once more. He also apparently conversed with Bolívar's bones.
Of course, it takes the author, Thor Halvorssen about 4/5ths of the column to tell you his cousin is running against Chavez but not that his father was a rather controversial figure in Venezuela himself -- the Post itself never bothers. It's the Liz Cheney Rule, I guess.
But the real question is, how long until the Republicans are off to Reagan Library to repeat this trick?
[cross-posted at Firedoglake]