Yesterday Watertiger made note of a study that America's Generation X was XIIth in the world in college degrees. As I'm at least a decade older than the nation's 25 to 34 year olds let me say "Suck It!", my generation was at least Top 5. And we didn't have Liberty U., Regent U., or even Kaplan U. (go Fightin' Strip Malls!).
I credit Art Fleming's Jeopardy over the inferior Alex Trebek's Jeopardy.
But really is this a decline in our national intellectual resources? We must bring on the analogies that disprove this finding. Conservatives you love analogies (wonder if that plays a role?) show me brains are for thinking, not eating:
Conservapedia founder and Eagle Forum University instructor Andy Schlafly -- Phyllis Schlafly's son -- has found one more liberal plot: the theory of relativity.
Oh for f**k's sake!
[cross-posted at Firedoglake]